Eaton Fuller Hybrid Transmission Sesar Code 61: Rail Motor Circuit Sesar

Lepat kode pikeun Eaton Hybrid Girang Systems model (MY09) EH-8E406A-U / P, EH-8E406A-up, EH-8E406A-UPG, EH-8E406A-CD, EH-8E406A-CDG, EH-8E406A-CDR, EH-8E406A-T, EH-6E706B-CD, EH-6E706B-P and EH-6E706B-UPG The Hybrid Transmission is equipped with an X-Y Shifter that selects a transmission gear. The X-Y Shifter motors are controlled with electrical current supplied by the TECU to move the Shift Finger either side-to-side (Pilihan rail) atanapi fore-na-aft (Dursasana gear na paleupasan). lepat Code 61 indicates a failure with the circuit controlling the Rail Motor and the side-to-side movement of the X-Y Shift Finger. Baca di handap pikeun diajar kumaha carana test, écés sarta ngalereskeun kasalahan kode sesar pikeun Freightliner Anjeun, Mack, Peterbilt, Kenworth, Volvo, internasional, jeung beurat-tugas treuk jeung alat. The DC / DC Parabot Parobah disambungkeun kana Electronics Carrier Daya (PEC), nu nyadiakeun 340 volt DC. tegangan diréduksi jadi 12-volt DC sarta mertahankeun sistem 12-volt salila engine kaluar operasi PTO. The DC / DC mertahankeun hiji ajeg 14.2 (± 0.2) (MY08 Systems) atawa 12.6 (System MY09) volt output sarta ngaronjatkeun amperage kalayan paménta kandaraan nepi ka 1.5 kw atawa 120 AMPS.

lepat Code 61: Rail Motor Circuit Sesar deteksi

The preconditions handap kudu patepung méméh sistem ngadeteksi sesar teh:

The system can identify an issue with the X-Y Shifter Rail Motor circuit, the TECU rail motor controller or the power and ground connections to the TECU under the following conditions:

  • IMF 1 jeung 12 can be detected when the X-Y Rail Motor is energized
  • IMF 5 jeung 6 can be detected when the X-Y Rail Motor is not energized

Catetan: Nalika ngungkulan hiji kode aktif tingal Produk Mode diagnostik (PDM)

Kaayaan keur Atur Sesar Code Active

  • IMF 1 - Data Sah tapi handap Normal: Transmisi gagal pikeun ngalengkepan nilai a shift jeung draw ayeuna diukur tina Rail Motor ieu dihandap diperkirakeun.
  • IMF 5 - Ayeuna handap Normal atawa Buka Circuit: TECU detects an open circuit or a short-to-ground condition on the Rail Motor circuit for 0.5 second at power up or prior to a shift.
  • IMF 6 - Ayeuna Di luhur Normal atawa Shorted Circuit: TECU detects a short-to-power on the Rail Motor circuit for 0.5 detik dina kakuatan up atanapi saméméh shift hiji.
  • IMF 12 - calakan Alat Bad: Transmission fails to complete a shift and the TECU detects intermittent fluctuations in supply voltage due to poor connections, shorted Rail Motor circuit or a hardware failure of the TECU.

Fallback Nalika Sesar Code 61 diatur kaayaan di handap lumangsung:

  • "F" flashes dina tampilan gear.
  • flashes Service lampu (lamun dilengkepan).
  • Engine teu engkol.
  • Transmisi teu kalibet a gear ti nétral.
  • Transmisi teu mindahkeun bari wahana geus pindah.
  • Dugi lepat janten teu aktif, supir bisa kudu Cicing off engine kalayan pangiriman di gear.

Kaayaan keur Atur Sesar Code aktif

IMF 1, 12: sesar ieu diatur aktif nalika shift kasebut réngsé.
IMF 5, 6: sesar ieu diatur aktif nalika kaayaan circuit kabuka atanapi pondok teu kauninga pikeun 0.5 detik.

Kode lepat ieu bisa disababkeun ku salah sahiji handap:

  • IMF 1, 5
    • Transmission Abah
    – terminal ngagulung, nyebarkeun, corroded atanapi leupas
    – Wiring shorted ka taneuh, shorted kana kakuatan atawa buka
    • X-Y Shifter Rail Motor
    – terminal ngagulung, nyebarkeun, corroded atanapi leupas
    – Rail Motor shorted kana taneuh, parsial pondok mun taneuh, shorted kana kakuatan atawa buka
    – gagalna internal rail Motor
    • TECU
    – gagalna internal
  • IMF 6
    • Transmission Abah
    – Wiring shorted kana kakuatan
    • TECU
    – gagalna internal
  • IMF 12
    • OEM Power Supply
    – kakuatan kirang atawa suplai taneuh pikeun TECU (bisa jadi ditéang jeung Kodeu Sesar 33 atawa 34)
    – gagalna batré
    – terminal ngagulung, nyebarkeun, corroded atanapi leupas
    – Wiring shorted ka taneuh, shorted kana kakuatan atawa buka
    • accu OEM
    – gagalna internal
    • OEM 30-amp Batre ngahiji
    – terminal ngagulung, nyebarkeun, corroded atanapi leupas
    – Ngahiji leungit atanapi improperly seated
    • TECU
    – gagalna internal

lepat Code 61: Rail Motor Circuit Sesar Test

Identification komponén:

Rail Motor Circuit Sesar

1. X-Y Shifter
2. 2-Jalan Rail Motor Panyambung (hideung)
3. 2-Awak jalan Rail Motor Panyambung (hideung)
4. 4-Jalan diagnostik Panyambung
5. 38-Jalan Transmission Abah Panyambung
6. 38-Jalan Vehicle Abah Panyambung
7. Transmisi Unit Kontrol Electronic (TECU)

CATETAN: Tingal Eaton Hybrid Cibalong sarta Panyambung lokasi pikeun Panyambung Locations di MY09 Systems.

TECU lokasi konektor motor rail

1. Transmisi Unit Kontrol Electronic (TECU)
2. 38-Jalan Transmission Abah Panyambung
3. 2-Awak jalan Rail Motor Panyambung (hideung)
4. 2-Jalan Rail Motor Panyambung (hideung)
5. 4-Jalan diagnostik Panyambung

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