Eaton Fuller Hybrid Transmission Sesar Code 116 – High Voltage Relays -(MY08 Systems)

Lepat kode pikeun Eaton Hybrid Girang Systems model (MY08) EH-8E306A-U, EH-8E306A-UPG, EH-8E306A-up, EH-8E306A-CD, EH-8E306A-T, EH-6E606B-CD. Baca di handap pikeun diajar kumaha carana test, écés sarta ngalereskeun kasalahan kode sesar pikeun Freightliner Anjeun, Mack, Peterbilt, Kenworth, Volvo, internasional, jeung beurat-tugas treuk jeung alat. The High-Voltage Relays are located inside the Power Electronics Carrier (PEC) dina Unit Relay Box. There is 1 precharge relay on the positive side, an additional relay on the positive, jeung 1 on the negative for a total of 3. relays ieu normalna kabuka lamun sistem pareum. The relays nu dikawasa ngaliwatan Inverter nu.

lepat Code 116 – High Voltage Relays Detection

The preconditions handap kudu patepung méméh sistem ngadeteksi sesar teh:

  • tegangan Inverter ignition anu leuwih gede ti 7 volt jeung kirang ti 16 volt.

Catetan: Nalika ngungkulan hiji kode aktif tingal Produk Mode diagnostik (PDM)

Kaayaan keur Atur Sesar Code Active

  • IMF 10 is set when the Inverter detects the input voltage measured at the capacitor is less than 210 volts within 3 seconds after the sub-relay closed in the Relay Box.
  • IMF 14 is set when only the negative relay in the Relay Box is on and capacitor voltage decreases less than 10 volts/5 seconds when initial capacitor voltage was greater than 200 volts and motor speed less than 500 min-1, or there is a detect error in the initial check.

Fallback Nalika Sesar Code 116 diatur kaayaan di handap lumangsung:

  • Amber "Cék Hybrid" blinks lampu pikeun FMI 10 and remains solid for FMI 14.
  • Sesar disimpen dina mémori HCM.
  • Inverter shuts Sistim-tegangan tinggi kaluar.
  • HCM terus ngadalikeun wahana hibrid dina modeu solar-hijina.
  • ingkar transmisi ngamimitian gear mun 1st.

Kaayaan keur Atur Sesar Code aktif

Ngan faults aktif bisa diberesihan tina Unit Transmission Control Electronic (TECU) atanapi sajarah HCM maké ServiceRanger. The TECU otomatis Leungitkeun dina faults tina sajarah sanggeus 200 jam jeung HCM otomatis Leungitkeun dina faults tina sajarah sanggeus sesar nu geus inaktif 200 jam.

Kode lepat ieu bisa disababkeun ku salah sahiji handap:

  • IMF 10
    • PEC
    • APG
    • Inverter
    • DC high-voltage cable
    • DC cable interlock loops
    • inersia Pindah
    • Service Pindah
  • IMF 14
    • Inverter
    • PEC

lepat Code 116 – High Voltage Relays Test

Komponén Systems MY08 Identification:

Delphi 56-Way Mating Connector View

56-Jalan jalangan Panyambung Témbongkeun

High Voltage DC Connector View Yazaki Connector

Tinggi tegangan DC Panyambung Témbongkeun Yazaki Panyambung

Mating Connector View Deutsch 19 - Way

Mating Connector View Deutsch 19 – jalan

CATETAN: Tingal Eaton Hybrid Cibalong sarta Panyambung lokasi pikeun Panyambung Locations di MY08 Systems

Inverter PEC connectors Eaton Fuller Hybrid transmission

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