Eaton Fuller Hybrid Transmission Sesar Code 50 – J1939 Awak controller Pesen (HCM)

Lepat kode pikeun Eaton Hybrid Girang Systems model (MY08) EH-8E306A-U, EH-8E306A-UPG, EH-8E306A-up, EH-8E306A-CD, EH-8E306A-T, EH-6E606B-CD, (MY09) EH-8E406A-U / P, EH-8E406A-up, EH-8E406A-UPG, EH-8E406A-CD, EH-8E406A-CDG, EH-8E406A-CDR, EH-8E406A-T, EH-6E706B-CD, EH-6E706B-P jeung EH-6E706B-UPG. Baca di handap pikeun diajar kumaha carana test, écés sarta ngalereskeun kasalahan kode sesar pikeun Freightliner Anjeun, Mack, Peterbilt, Kenworth, Volvo na treuk Internasional. J1939 mangrupakeun-speed tinggi twisted pasangan 250K data link kalayan salah sahiji 120 ohm résistor di unggal ahir link. The Hybrid Control Module (HCM) connects to the J1939 data link at the 38-Way Connector. This link transmits information to the HCM and communicates with the other modules on the network such as the Body Controller.

lepat Code 50 – J1939 Awak controller Pesen (HCM) Detéksi

The preconditions handap kudu patepung méméh sistem ngadeteksi sesar teh:

  • HCM tegangan ignition anu leuwih gede ti 7 volt jeung kirang ti 16 volt.

Catetan: Nalika ngungkulan hiji kode aktif tingal Produk Mode diagnostik (PDM)

Kaayaan keur Atur Sesar Code Active

  • IMF 9 is set when the HCM fails to receive Body Controller data for 5 detik atawa gede, while it is still communicating with other modules on J1939.

Fallback Nalika Sesar Code 50 diatur kaayaan di handap lumangsung:

  • Amber and red lights do not illuminate since the Body Controller activates the lights.
  • Sesar disimpen dina mémori HCM.
  • HCM disables ePTO operation, since parameters like hydraulic demand are unavailable.

Kaayaan keur Atur Sesar Code aktif

Ngan faults aktif bisa diberesihan tina Unit Transmission Control Electronic (TECU) atanapi sajarah HCM maké ServiceRanger. The TECU otomatis Leungitkeun dina faults tina sajarah sanggeus 200 jam jeung HCM otomatis Leungitkeun dina faults tina sajarah sanggeus sesar nu geus inaktif 200 jam.

Kode lepat ieu bisa disababkeun ku salah sahiji handap:

  • IMF 2, 9
    • J9139 Data Link
    • awak controller

lepat Code 50 – J1939 Awak controller Pesen (HCM) nguji

Identification komponén:

HCM - Vehicle Interface Connector

Abah Front Témbongkeun
(HCM – Wahana Interface Panyambung)

CATETAN: Tingal Eaton Hybrid Cibalong sarta Panyambung lokasi pikeun Panyambung Locations di MY08 Systems

CATETAN: Tingal Eaton Hybrid Cibalong sarta Panyambung lokasi pikeun Panyambung Locations di MY09 Systems.

Eaton Fuller transmission body controller HCM conncector

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