Eaton Fuller Hybrid Sesar Code 6 – No HCM Operation

Lepat kode pikeun Eaton Hybrid Girang Systems model (MY08) EH-8E306A-U, EH-8E306A-UPG, EH-8E306A-up, EH-8E306A-CD, EH-8E306A-T, EH-6E606B-CD, (MY09) EH-8E406A-U / P, EH-8E406A-up, EH-8E406A-UPG, EH-8E406A-CD, EH-8E406A-CDG, EH-8E406A-CDR, EH-8E406A-T, EH-6E706B-CD, EH-6E706B-P jeung EH-6E706B-UPG. The Hybrid Control Module (HCM) is mounted to the transmission and it contains all of the software to control both the hybrid power electronics as well as the transmission operation.

lepat Code 6 – No HCM Operation Detection

The preconditions handap kudu patepung méméh sistem ngadeteksi sesar teh:

  • HCM tegangan ignition anu leuwih gede ti 7 volt jeung kirang ti 16 volt.

Kaayaan keur Atur Sesar Code Active

Kaayaan keur Atur Sesar:

  • IMF 12 is set at key on if the HCM detects an internal failure.
  • IMF 14 is set when HCM can not complete writing to the Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory (EEPROM) during shut down.

Fallback Nalika Sesar Code 6 diatur kaayaan di handap lumangsung:
• Amber "Cék Hybrid" illuminates lampu.
• If the fault occurs at power up the vehicle may not crank.

Kaayaan keur Atur Sesar Code aktif

Ngan faults aktif bisa diberesihan tina Unit Transmission Control Electronic (TECU) atanapi sajarah HCM maké ServiceRanger. The TECU otomatis Leungitkeun dina faults tina sajarah sanggeus 200 jam. The HCM otomatis Leungitkeun dina faults tina sajarah sanggeus sesar nu geus inaktif 200 jam.

Kode lepat ieu bisa disababkeun ku salah sahiji handap:

  • IMF 12, 14
    • HCM

lepat Code 6 – No HCM Operation Test

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