استكشاف الأخطاء وإصلاحها إيتون نقل التروس & مهاوي

الصدام التروس

Snubbing and clashing gears while shifting are frequent abuses to which unsynchronized transmissions are subjected. Light snubbing will do little damage. The real damage is done by the hard clash shift caused by engaging gears which are far out of synchronization. This can break pieces of metal from the ends of the clutching teeth. Clashing gears can be traced to one of three causes:

snubbed clutching gear teeth

تجاهلت الأسنان يمسك جير

1. تحويل غير لائق

This applies to drivers who are not familiar with the shift pattern or have not learned the RPM spread between shifts.

2. التشبث

Clashing when starting up in first or reverse gear can be caused by insufficient clutch clearance or a dragging clutch not releasing properly. This makes the transmission countershafts and mainshaft gears continue rotating while the clutch pedal is depressed. Clashing results when the nonrotating sliding clutch is forced to mesh with a rotating mainshaft gear. Double clutching during lever shifts will also reduce snubbing and clashing.

3. قوة بالقصور الذاتي

Countershafts والتروس mainshaft عادة ما تستغرق من 3 إلى 5 ثانية لوقف الدورية بعد أن تم فض الاشتباك مخلب. محاولة عيون والعتاد القابض مع والعتاد mainshaft قبل والعتاد mainshaft توقف سيؤدي إلى الصدام. إذا لم يتم تجهيز انتقال مع الفرامل مخلب أو الفرامل عمود المناولة الوسيط, فمن الضروري أن نتوقف لبضع ثوان بعد بالضغط على دواسة القابض قبل محاولة الاشتباك الأولي للنقل.

علامات التصنيع

Sometimes gears are replaced or thought to be defective because of marks left on the gear by manufacturing processes. هذه العيوب, ومع ذلك, do not contribute to gear failure and the gear should not be replaced because of these marks.

علامات الحب

hob marks

These are cutting marks or lines formed during the initial cutting of the gear teeth. Hob marks on the tooth face will be removed by the shaving process, but hob marks in the root of the tooth will most likely remain, and may be found even on gears with much wear on them.

ماركس الحلاقة

shaving marks on gear

The shaving operation leaves distinct diagonal marks on the face of the gear tooth. These marks can be distinguished from scoring marks by the fact they are diagonal, while scoring marks are more nearly vertical. Most shaving marks are removed during normal gear operation.

معدات تشفه

معدات تشفه

تشفه أو الحلاقة نتوءات, is the formation of “lips” at the tip of the gear teeth machining. هذه "الشفاه" لن تفعل أي ضرر للوالعتاد.

راتل والعتاد في الخمول

Mainshaft gears are designed to have a specified amount of axial clearance which allows them to rotate freely on the mainshaft. The amount of clearance is governed by the use of washers. محرك تسكع الخام ويمكن وضع الاهتزازات, causing the mainshaft gears to rattle as they strike mating gears. This condition can usually be cured by improving the idling characteristics of the engine. Tolerance washers may have to be changed to bring the axial gear clearance to within tolerance on high mileage units. See the service manual for procedure and specifications.

تويست رمح والكسر

Failure of transmission shafts through fracturing or twisting is caused when stresses are imposed on them which are greater than they were designed to withstand. The main causes for these failures are:

  1. تقنيات يمسك غير لائقة.
  2. ابتداء من عام عالية جدا من العتاد.
  3. السحب.
  4. محاولة بدء تشغيل مع الفرامل مقفل.
  5. Transmission used for application it was not designed to withstand.
  6. نتصادم قفص الاتهام عند النسخ.
  7. تركيب غير لائق عجلة 5TH قابل للتعديل.
fractured mainshaft

مكسور Mainshaft
كما هو الحال مع الأسنان والعتاد, shafts may fracture as a result of fatigue or impact.

twisted mainshaft

الملتوية Mainshaft
Loads not severe enough to cause shaft fractures may cause the shaft to twist.

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