Eaton Fuller Transmission Troubleshooting Guide

Guide to servicing and repairing Eaton Fuller heavy-duty truck transmission, cuideachadh a 'suidheachadh an cùis sgaoilidh trioblaid, analyze the cause and make necessary repairs for 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 15 agus 18 cabhag Eaton craoladh. For more in-depth assistance refer to your transmission model service manual or give us a call at 877-776-4600. Tha tar-chur obair gu h-èifeachdach an t-einnsean a ghluasad cumhachd, a thaobh Torc, gus an càr a 'chùlaibh cuibhlichean. Torc 'S e lùbach no cearcallach feachd a lìbhrigeadh le einnsean aig flywheel. Tha tar-chur a 'gear-mheasan àrdachadh no ìsleachadh Torc a rèir na riatanasan a tha a dhìth gus gluasad no tòisich an luchd. Ag ullachadh cuideachd a 'meudachadh no a' lùghdachadh astar. Tha gear-mheasan a tha ceart cho math gun robh an einnsean a bhios ann a 'mhòr-chuid RPM èifeachdach le raon adhartach astar atharrachaidhean. Gus coinneachadh ris an carbad riatanasan, sgaoilidh Feumaidh mheasan Ìosal gu leòr gus tòiseachadh air a 'charbad a' gluasad, a chumail a 'gluasad suas-ìrean, agus a chumail an t-einnsean ag obair ann an àirde èifeachdas raon. Tha tar-chur, cuideachd, Feumaidh a 'toirt dòigh fhurasta airson gear taghadh.

Troubleshooting Guide airson na leanas Eaton Fuller sgaoilidh modailean:

FR-11210B RTLO-14610B RTLOF-15610B-T2 RTOF-11909MLL RTX-14709A RTXF-14709H FROF-16210B
FR-12210B RTLO-14610B-T2 RTLOF-16610B RTOF-13707DLL RTX-14709B RTLOF-14610B RTLOF-11610B
FR-13210B RTLO-14613B RTLOF-16610B-T2 RTOF-13707MLL RTX-14709H RTO-16909ALL RTO-13707DLL
FR-14210B RTLO-14618A RTLOF-16618A RTOF-14608LL RTX-14710B RTX-13710B RTX-12710B
FR-15210B RTLO-14713A RTXF-15615 RTOF-14708LL RTX-14710C RTXF-13710C RTXF-12710B
FR-9210B RTLO-14718B RTLOF-16713A RTOF-14709MLL RTX-14715 RTXF-14710B RTX-14610
FRF-11210B RTLO-14913A RTLOF-16713A-T2 RTOF-14908LL RTX-15615 RTLOF-14610B-T2 FROF-16210C
FRF-12210B RTLO-14918B RTLOF-16718B RTOF-14909ALL RTXF-16709H RTOF-11607L RTLOF-11610B-T2
FRF-13210B RTLO-14918B-T2 RTLOF-16913A RTOF-14909MLL RTX-15710B RTX-13710C RTO-13707MLL
FRF-14210B RTLO-15610B RTLOF-16913A-T2 RTOF-16908LL RTX-15710C RTXF-14608LL RTX-12710C
FRF-15210B RTLO-15610B-T2 RTLOF-16918B RTOF-16909ALL RTX-15715 RTLO-11610B-T2 RTXF-12710C
FRF-9210B RTLO-16610B RTLOF-16918B-T2 RTX-11509 RTX-16709B RTLOF-14613B RTXF-16710C
O-11210B RTLO-16610B-T2 RTLOF-17610B RTX-11608LL RTX-16709H RTOF-11607LL RT-7608LL
O-11210C RTLO-16618A RTLOF-17610B-T2 RTX-11609A RTX-16710B RTX-14608LL RTLOF-12610B
O-12210B RTXF-14710C RTLOF-18610B RTX-11609B RTX-16710C RTXF-14609A RTO-14608LL
O-12210C RTLO-16713A RTLOF-18718B RTX-11609P RTXF-11509 RTLO-12610B RTXF-16709B
O-13210B RTLO-16713A-T2 RTLOF-18913A RTX-11609R RTXF-11608LL RTLOF-14618A RTXF-13609A
O-13210C RTLO-16718B RTLOF-18913A-T2 RTXF-15715 RTXF-11609A RTOF-11608LL RTLO-13610B-T2
O-14210B RTLO-16913A RTLOF-18918B RTX-11610 RTXF-11609B RTX-14609A RT-8608L
O-14210C RTLO-16913A-T2 RTLOF-18918B-T2 RTX-11615 RTXF-11609P RTXF-14609B RTLOF-12610B-T2
O-15210B RTLO-16918B RTLOF-20913A RTX-11708LL RTXF-11609R RTLO-12610B-T2 Hrito-L4709nlarla
O-15210C RTLO-16918B-T2 RTLOF-20918B RTX-11709A RTXF-11610 RTLOF-14713A RTX-13609A
RTXF-14615 RTLO-17610B RTLOF-20918B-T2 RTX-11709B RTXF-11615 RTXF-15710C RTXF-13609B
RTXF-14708LL RTLO-17610B-T2 RTLOF-22918B RTX-11709H RTXF-11708LL RTX-14609B RTLOF-14918B-T2
O-16210B RTLO-18610B RTLOFC-16909A-T2 RTX-11710B RTXF-11709H RTXF-14609P RT-8908LL
O-16210C RTLO-18610B-T2 RTO-11607L RTX-11710C RTXF-11710B RTLO-12713A RTLOF-12713A
O-17210C RTLO-18718B RTO-11607L RTX-11715 RTXF-11710C RTLOF-14718B RTO-14908LL
O-18210C RTLO-18718B-T2 RTXF-15710B RTX-12509 RTXF-11715 RTOF-11707LL RTX-13609B
FROF-11210B RTLO-18913A RTO-11607LL RTX-12510 RTXF-12509 RTX-14609P RTXF-13609P
FROF-11210C RTLO-18913A-T2 RTO-11607LL RTX-12515 RTXF-12510 RTXF-14609R RTOF-11908LL
FROF-12210B RTLO-18918B RTO-11608LL RTX-12609A RTXF-16710B RTLO-12913A RTF-8608L
FROF-12210C RTLO-18918B-T2 Hrito-Ll707dlarla RTX-12609B RTXF-12515 RTLOF-14913A RTLOF-12913A
FROF-13210B RTLO-20913A Hrito-Ll707larla RTX-12609P RTXF-12609A RTOF-11708LL RTO-14909ALL
FROF-13210C RTLO-20918B Hrito-Ll708larla RTX-12609R RTXF-12609B RTX-14609R RTX-13609P
FROF-14210B RTLO-20918B-T2 Hrito-Ll709nlarla RTX-12610 RTXF-12609P RTXF-14610 RTXF-13609R
FROF-14210C RTLO-22918B RTO-11908LL RTX-12709A RTXF-12609R RTLO-13610B RTX-14615
FROF-15210B RTLOC-16909A-T2 RTO-11909ALL RTX-12709B RTXF-12610 RTLOF-14918B RTF-8908LL
FROF-15210C RTXF-14715 RTO-11909MLL RTX-12709H RTXF-12709H RTOF-11709MLL RTLOF-13610B
RTO-14909MLL RTXF-13709H RTLO-11610B RTO-16908LL RTXF-13710B RTOF-11909ALL RTX-14708LL
RTX-13609R RTLO-14610A RTLOF-13610B-T2 RTX-13709H RTLOF-15610B

Common Transmission Gearanan


Although the effects of vibration will show up in the transmission, vibration usually originates somewhere else in the drive train. Vibration can usually be felt or heard by the driver; ge-tà, ann an cuid de shuidheachaidhean, transmission damage caused by vibration will occur without the driver’s knowledge.

Nithean Transmission Problems Air sgàth Drive Train Vibration:

  1. Gear Rattle aig leisg
  2. Gear & shaft splines (fretted)
  3. Noise
  4. Fretted Bearings
  5. Repeated chùlaibh ròn aoidionachd
  6. Broken no sgaoilte synchronizer prìnichean
  7. Leantainneach loosening de capscrews, eadar camagan agus mountings
  8. Cas a bh'air Spine Wear
  9. Worn universal joints (Neo-craolaidh chomharra, ach thaisbeanair de crathadh.)
fretted splines on transmission

Fretted Splines

Broken transmission synchronizer pin

Broken Synchronizer Pins

transmission input spline wear

Input Spline Wear

Common causes of vibration include driveline imbalance or misalignment, neo-chothromaichte a cuibhlichean no bhris drumaichean, garbh ruith einnsean, briste no a 'caitheamh einnsean sgeadachadh agus caite crochaidh.

Gear Slipout agus Jumpout

Beulaibh Earrann
Nuair a spèilidh àl a ghluasad a dhol an sàs le mainshaft gear, a 'mairist fiaclan a dh'fheumas a bhith co-shìnte. Chaol no a 'caitheamh a' greimeachadh fiaclan a bhios a 'feuchainn ri "coiseachd" a chèile mar na gèaraichean cuairteachadh. Fo an làimh dheis na h-, slipout Leanaidh. Tha cuid de na tha na h-:

  1. Transmission muin eccentrically le einnsean flywheel pìleat.
  2. Cus gear bualadh a 'greimeachadh shortens fiaclan.
  3. Bidh Clann Ulaidh adjustment iomallach gluasad smachd ceangal thoradh pàirt ann an com-pàirteachas. Cuideachd a 'coimhead airson sgaoilte cheanglaichean agus caite bushings.
Snubbed Clutching Teeth

Snubbed greimeachadh Teeth

Gear greimeachadh fiaclan a 'caitheamh gu taper.

detent spring

Detent Spring

Brùthadh gu leòr air detent ball bho lag no briste detent as t-earrach.

worn yoke bar

Bh'air cuing Bar

Cus aodach air detent eag de cuing bar

Cor na h-urrainn a Cause Jumpout

  1. Extra trom agus fad gluasad stiùirean a dhol, siùdain fasan, bho obair thairis air talamh neo-chòmhnard. Cuipeachadh gnìomha na luamhan overcomes detent aimhreit as t-earrach.
  2. Mechanical iomallach smachdan leis a 'mhaighstir muin ri frèam a'. Gluasad dàimheach eadar-einnsean-sgaoilidh a 'phasgan agus frèam urrainn toirt air tar-chur a-mach à gèar. Caitheamh no briste einnsean sgeadachadh meudachadh a 'bhuaidh seo staid.
transmission with jumpout

Earrann Auxiliary

Slipout in the auxiliary section may be caused by the clutching teeth being worn, chaol, no nach 'eil gu tur an sàs. These conditions cause the clutch gear to “walk” out of engagement as the gears turn.

Causes of these types of clutching defects are clashing or normal wear after long life. Vibrations set up by an improperly aligned driveline and low air pressure add to the slipout problem.

Jumpout in the auxiliary section usually occurs with the splitter gear set. If torque is not sufficiently broken during splitter shifts, the sliding clutch gear may not have enough time to complete the shift before torque is reapplied to the gears. Mar Torc tha reapplied, the partially engaged clutch gear “jumps” out of the splitter gear. Since the gears have torque applied to them, damage will be done to the clutching teeth of the mating gears.

tapered clutching teeth

Hard chaochlaidich

The effort required to move a gear shift lever from one gear position to another varies. If too great an effort is required it will be a constant cause of complaint from the driver.

As gearanan a tha iomallach le seòrsa ceanglaichean a chleachdadh ann an cabover-einnsean carbadan. Before checking the transmission for hard shifting the remote linkage should be inspected. Linkage problems stem from worn connections or bushings, ceangaltach, improper adjustment, lack of lubrication on the joints or an obstruction which restricts free movement. Gus co-dhùnadh ma tha an tar-chur fhèin an adhbhar cruaidh chaochlaidich, gluasad air falbh an luamhan no ceangal bho mhullach na ginealaich. An sin, move the shift blocks into each gear position using a pry bar or screwdriver. If the yoke bars slide easily, 'S e an trioblaid leis a' ceangal a-seanadh. If the trouble is in the transmission, it will generally be caused by one of the following:

  1. Splines of sliding clutch gear binding on mainshaft as a result of a twisted mainshaft key, bent shift yoke or bowed mainshaft key.
  2. Cuing bhàraichean ceangaltach anns a 'bhàr taigheadas mar thoradh air taigheadas sgàinte, thar-torqued gluasad bacaidh lockscrew, sprung yoke bar, or swelled areas of the yoke bar.
transmission hard shifting

Ma cruaidh chaochlaidich ann dìreach anns a 'chiad agus an cùl, the shift block detent plunger movement may be restricted. This can result from burrs on the plunger, or from overtightening the plunger spring plug. With the plunger blocked in the depressed position, the plug should be tightened until it bottoms out against the spring, an uair sin taic-mach 1/4 gu 1/2 turn.
Gear bualadh Cha bu chòir iomrall le cruaidh chaochlaidich. Gear clashing occurs when an attempt is made to engage the clutch gear before it has reached synchronization with the mainshaft gear.


The transmission operating temperature should never exceed 250°F (120° C) airson an ùine-fhada. Ma tha e a ', the oil will breakdown and shorten transmission life.

Leis gu bheil an suathaidh air gluasad pàirtean, transmissions will produce a certain amount of heat. In most cases normal operating temperature is approximately 100°F (40° C) above ambient. Heat is dissipated through the transmission case. When conditions prevent the proper dissipation of heat, then overheating occurs.
Mus coimhead airson ghabhas adhbharan overheating, the oil temperature gauge and sending unit should be inspected to make sure they are giving correct readings.

Causes of Overheating
1. mì-lubrication. Ola ìre ro ìosal no ro àrd, wrong type of oil, or an operating angle of more than 12 ceuman.
2. Ag obair gu cunbhalach fo 20 msu.
3. Àrd-einnsean RPM.
4. Dìomhair adhair sruth timcheall sgaoilidh, due to the transmission being “boxed in” by frame rails, deck lids, tancaichean connaidh agus a 'cur eadar camagan, or by a large bumper assembly.
5. Smùide siostam ro fhaisg air tar-chur.
6. Àrd Ambient Teòthachd.
7. Àrd-each-chumhachd, Overdrive obrachadh.
8. Coasting sìos an cnoc ris an grunn fo mhulad.

Ann an cuid de shuidheachaidhean, an external oil cooler kit can be used to correct overheating problems.

Transmission Ola Coolers tha:
a mholadh

  • Le einnseanan de 350 H.P. and above with overdrive transmissions


  • le einnseanan 399 H.P agus gu h-àrd le Overdrive
    craoladh agus GCWs thairis 90,000 puinnd.
  • le einnseanan 399 H.P. agus os 1400 Lbs.-Ft.
    no barrachd Torc
  • le einnseanan 450 H.P. agus gu h-àrd

Transmission Noise

There will always be a certain level of noise due to the normal transmission operation. Ach, excessive noise or unusual noise such as a whine, growl, or squeal indicates some kind of a problem.

The transmission itself can be the cause of excessive or unusual noise. cuideachd, noise can originate elsewhere in the vehicle, ach a bhith a 'togail agus stèidh nas daingne sgaoilidh.

1. Ghnogadh no Thudding

transmission gears
  • gèaraichean - cnapan no swells air gear fiaclan. Such bumps or swells can be removed with a hone or small hand grinder; these areas can be identified as highly polished pots on the face of the gear tooth. San fharsaingeachd, this noise is more prominent when the gear is loaded; mar sin a ', the problem gear can be located as the noise occurs in a specific gear position. Bumps or swells are caused by improper handling of gears before or during assembly.
  • Bearings – Noise comes in at low shaft speeds in any position. It is caused by bearings with damaged balls or rollers, or with pitted and spalled raceways.
cracked transmission gears
  • Cracked Gear – A gear cracked or broken by shock loading or by pressing on shaft during installation will produce this sound at low speeds. Aig àrd-astaran a Howl bhios an làthair.

2. High Pitched Whine or Squeal

  • Gear Wear - Toradh àbhaisteach gear aodach, including gear tooth pitting from excessive use. In advanced deterioration, a Howl Leanaidh.
  • Mismatched Gear Sets – Such gear sets are identified by an uneven wear pattern on the face of gear teeth.
  • Bearings - "ghoid" Bearings, having insufficient axial or radial clearance

3. Growling

  • Timing Error – Improper timing of the transmission during reassembly, or improper timing due to gear turning on the countershaft. Both conditions produce an error in tooth spacing.

Causes of Transmission Noise Originating Elsewhere in Vehicle:

  1. Rough idling einnsean. (fhaicinn gear Rattle)
  2. Engine obrachaidh fuaim.
  3. Clutch driven plates in which the dampening action of springs or rubber blocks has been eliminated by wear set or fracture.
  4. Driveline a-mach à cothromachadh.
  5. Neo-ionnaine air co-obrachadh ceàrnan.
  6. Bh'air croisean ann choitcheann altan.
  7. Loose no caite ionad Bearings.
  8. Caitheamh no pitted fiaclan air fàinne gear agus pinion de dràibheadh ​​aiseil.
  9. Cùl aiseil buaidh fàilligeadh.
  10. Wheels a-mach à cothromachadh.
  11. A bh'air an t-earrach 'lùbadh air lùdag buaidh.
  12. Loose "U" Boltaichean.
  13. Brake drumaichean warped no a-mach à cothromachadh.

Transmission dhuilgheadasan aig Guideline

Following is a basic procedure guideline for troubleshooting transmissions:

  1. tòiseachaidh Sgrùdadh
    • pearsanta Amharc – look for signs of misuse such as broken mounts, uidheam no eadar camagan; check airlines.
    • Ceist-sealbhadair no an Operator – gather information on operating conditions and vehicle use, eachdraidh air an duilgheadas, and on shifting characteristics if affected.
    • Cruinnich Eachdraidh Aonad – including maintenance and lubrication procedures, seachad air fàilligidhean, agus mìlteachd no hours cleachdaidh.
  2. Disassemble Transmission
    • Keep ola shampall airson truailleadh, dèanamh cinnteach ma bhios feum air.
    • Rè disassembly, check for incorrectly installed parts, dhìth pàirtean, and nongenuine parts.
    • Glan agus sgrùdadh a dhèanamh air gach pìos gu dlùth.
  3. Obraich a-mach Seòrsa Mura
  4. Obraich a-mach agus ceart Adhbhar Mura

The Troubleshooter’s Guideline Chart is used to locate and correct transmission problems. To use the guideline,

1) Locate an tar-chur na thrioblaid anns na bogsaichean gu h-ìosal

2) Hover over the box to see the possible problem and take note of the numbers next to the possible cause

3) Coimheadaibh air an liosta gu h-ìosal agus a 'lorg co-fhreagarrach air àireamh clàraichte ri taobh an duilgheadas. Tha a fhreagras air an àireamh bhon liosta Innsidh an ghabhas correction.

4) Is dòcha gum bi barrachd air aon ghabhas adhbhar agus comasach ceartachadh airson gach trioblaid.

Comasach air a bhith ceartachaidhean:

  1. Iarraidh air an dràibhear air dràibhidh ceart dòighean.
  2. Replace pàirtean (after trying other listed possible corrections).
  3. Sgriubha a 'ghlas-sgriubha mhòr agus retighten gu ceart Torc.
  4. Coimhead airson a thig milleadh.
  5. Emery, N. Smooth le pàipear.
  6. Ath-shuidheachadh gu ceart-chomharrachaidhean.
  7. Stàlaich dhìth pàirtean.
  8. Lorg buidhnean-adhair no hoses.
  9. teannaich phàirt.
  10. Ceart an cuibhreachadh.
  11. Recheck àm.
  12. Clean phàirt.
  13. Cuir a-steach tana film sileaconach.
  14. Cuir a-steach sealant.

Airson Leabhranan-stiùiridh eile is stòrasan an-asgaidh tadhailibh air ar luchdachadh a-nuas duilleag

sgaoilidh leabhrain pdf

diagraman, Leabhraichean làimhe agus pàirtean lethbhric PDF >>>

sam bith sgaoilidh phàirt feumaidh tu feumaidh sinn e! Aon latha luingeis ri fhaotainn, an t-saoghail.

FEUMAIDH taic an-asgaidh bho aon de ar n-eòlaichean?

post-d thugainn