Driveline ka qabashada Angularity

Torsional gariirka

Hubinta Driveline U-Joint Operation Malaa'igta

tallaabo ee driveline leh si wadajir ah universal labada dhamaadka shaqeeya natiijada xagal dhaqaaq hanti. driveline The soo dedejin doonto iyo hoos labo wareeg kasta. Haddii xaglo shaqeeya midkood dhamaadka of qodaa kuwa aan qummanaynu, Natiijooyinka gariirka torsional. Tani gariirka torsional waxay doonaan in ay ka soo kansasho haddii labada xaglood oo ka shaqeeya si wadajir ah waa loo siman yahay.

Noocyada Buuq

Qaylada ama gariirka oo waxay dhacdaa keliya xawaare wadada gaar ah iyo cunay sida korodhka xawaaraha waxaa guud ahaan sababa xaglo shaqada aan qummanaynu kalagoysyada driveline. Qaylada ama gariirka taas oo joogto ah oo dhan kala duwan xawaaraha iyo kala duwan ee xooga la isbedel xawaaraha uu sababi karo drivelines qaloocan, fuusto jejebiyey qaloocan ama cajaladood, ama drivelines la goysyada universal ka mid ah wajiga.

Checks hordhaca

Samee jeeg soo socda ka hor inta aysan akhrinta xagal:

  1. Check companion flange or yoke nut for looseness and torque to proper specification if necessary.
    driveline wadajir ah warqada
  2. Driveline slip joints that do not have the arrows or other markings pointing to each other will result in the driveline universal joints being out of phase. In si kale loo dhigo, the transmission universal joint may be turned one spline or more to the right or left of being aligned with the universal joint at the opposite end of the driveline.
    • Some computer designed drivelines are purposely built with U-joints out of phase. Check manufacturer’s specifications for proper setting. Sidoo kale, check closely to make certain no twist has occurred to the tubing, causing these two joints to be out of phase Make sure the slip joint works freely and is not bound or seized. Slip joints must absorb axle housing movements.
  3. Unbalanced drivelines can cause vibration that occurs throughout the speed range of vehicle and varies in intensity with a change of speed. The driveline may be at fault in respect to balance and concentricity. A quick field check to determine driveline balance can be made by securing a small piece of metal or similar weight with a hose clamp to the front of the tube where the splined shaft is welded. Road test the vehicle and continue to move the weight around the tube until the balance point is found and vibration disappears or is minimized.
    driveline qaloocan
    Drivelines yihiin dynamically dheelitiro in ay xawaare wareeg ah loogu tala galay oo aan si xawaare aan la koobi karayn. Sayidka, vibration can be expected when this rotational velocity is exceeded. Check concentricity of driveline by mounting on lathe centers and dial indicating. Hubi caddaymaha soo saaraha ee kaalmada runout.
  4. taageero Engine in ay xirto, jabay ama dabacsan, and mounting pads that are worn or deteriorated must be corrected to restore the engine suspension to its original vibration tolerance.

Qaadashada akhrinta

plain, wing and flange driveline joint
plain driveline joint
universal joint

Take readings with protractor from machined surfaces of yokes or companion flanges. Plain, garabka ama nooca flange goysyada la kulantay laga yaabaa in. Some will require partial disassembly to obtain accurate readings.

On kala goysyada nooca Caraabaah, it may be necessary to remove the bearing cap. Marka akhrinta, make sure the universal joint is in a vertical plane. At the rear axle, take readings from a machined surface differential carrier that is in the same plane as the axle pinion shaft, ama ka dusha machined waa dadab iyo in ay ka qodaa pinion, hadba waxaa ka hawl yar.

Haddii gariirka dhacaa halka hawlgala madhan, take readings in empty condition. Haddii ay dhacdaa marka raran, take readings when loaded. When it is necessary to measure driveline lengths, measure from joint center to joint center

caddaymaha soo saaraha ee waa in la raaco marka uu jeeg angularity hore. Some manufacturers have found it necessary to vary from the ideal due to geometrical limitations. If vibration persists after adhering to manufacturer’s specifications, contact the manufacturer’s representative.

Checks Angularity - Flanges is barbar socda ama Katiinado

  1. Single dariiq dhexaad Baabuurta
    • xagal gudbinta – Take reading of transmission angle. This angle is the angle to which the rear axle joint angle must match. The transmission angle will have a declination reading of from 0 si ay u 5 degrees kiisaska intooda badan.
      gudbinta reading xagal
    • xagal dariiq dhexaad. Take reading either from machined surface of axle housing or pinion bearing retainer. This angle must be within one degree of the transmission angle.
      • tusaale: If transmission angle reading is 3 degrees down to the rear, the rear axle angle should be 3 fashay kor.
  2. Tusmo oo ulahooda wareejiya ama baabuurta la Units darran
    • Qaado gudbinta reading xagal.
    • Take reading from joint of front tandem axle or auxiliary joint. This reading should be within one degree of transmission angle.
      • Note: The rear joint of front tandem axle will be the same as the front joint.
    • Qaado reading of xagal si wadajir ah ugu kala dhantaalay dariiq dhexaad gadaal, or axle to rear of auxiliary. This angle must be within one degree of transmission angle.

Joint XUDUUDDA Xagasha Working (isku midka ah)

goysyada Universal leedahay xagal shaqada ugu badnaan, ku xiran tahay nooca iyo soo saaridda. Waxaa lagu talinayaa in xagal shaqada si wadajir ah u ah shirka si wadajir ah isku midka ah aan ka badnayn 8 digrii drivelines ugu weyn ee in ka badan 40″ dheer. Waayo, drivelines ugu weyn ee ka yar 40″ Xagal ugu badan waa in aan ka badnayn Length (L) qaybiyey 5. (xadka Tani ma khusayso interaxle drivelines.)

tusaale: Waayo, 35 a″ driveline, the maximum joint working angle would be 35 oo lagu daray 5 ama 7degrees. This working angle must not be exceeded.

Place protractor on driveline to obtain angle of driveline from transmission to axle. The difference between the driveline angle and the joint angle is the joint working angle. For instance, haddii gudbinta yahay 3 hoos fashay, and the driveline angle is down 7 degrees, the transmission joint working angle is 7 laga jaray 3 ama 4 degrees.
On drive tusmo ama rakibato kaabayaal, take readings in the same manner, comparing the universal joint angles to the driveline angle to which it is attached.

Angularity Checks – Non-Parallel Compensating Angles or Flanges or Yokes

Iyada oo baabuurta saldhig wheel gaaban kaas oo ay leeyihiin dherer driveline ugu yaraan ka gudbinta si dariiq dhexaad, driveline waxaa looga baahan yahay inay ka shaqeeyaan iyada oo xaglo shaqada aad u daran oo ku saabsan goobaha qaar ka mid ah. Tani waxay sidoo kale khuseysaa interaxle drivelines. Kuwaas oo shaqada si wadajir ah u daran xaglaha u abaari gariirka. In la yareeyo xaglo shaqeeya, dhexaad la sii weynaydba janjeera, ilaa centerline usheeda dhexe pinion iyo gudbinta mainshaft bartamihii midaysan centerline dhexeeya xarumaha wadajir ah.

angularity check

Iyada oo ulahooda wareejiya drive tusmo, the rearward axle is tilted upward until its pinion shaft centerline and forward axle pinion shaft centerline intersect midway between joint centers.

Marka go'aan laga gaarayo rakiban si wadajir ah aan isku midka ah, it is necessary to take the driveline angle readings as well as transmission and axle angle readings.

  1. Single dariiq dhexaad Baabuurta
    • Qaado reading xagal la isugu gudbiyo
    • Qaado xagal of driveline
    • Qaado reading xagal of wadajir ah dariiq dhexaad
    • Xisaabinta for xaglo saxda ah:
      • The difference between the driveline angle and the transmission angle will be the transmission joint working angle.
      • The difference between the driveline angle and the axle angle will be the axle joint working angle.
      • The two working angles of transmission and axle must be equal.
      • tusaale:
        gudbinta waa 3 hoos fashay
        Driveline waa 7.5 hoos fashay
        dhexaad Rear waa 12 hoos fashay
        Sayidka 7.5 laga jaray 3 uyeelaysaan 4.5 degrees
        12 laga jaray 7.5 uyeelaysaan 4.5 degrees, giving 4.5 equal working angles
  2. Tusmo oo ulahooda wareejiya ama baabuurta la Units darran – When taking readings on tandem drive axles or between auxiliary and rear axle, the same principles apply as with single axle vehicles. Take readings between transmission and front tandem axle, or auxiliary. Take readings between axles or between auxiliary and axle. In si kale loo dhigo, take angle readings for each set of universal joints

Joint XUDUUDDA Xagasha Working (Non-is barbar socda)

Waxaa lagu talinayaa in xagal ugu wadajir ah shaqada kiniisadaha oo si wadajir ah aan isku midka ah aan ka badnayn oo dhererkiisu driveline ugu weyn ee loo qaybiyey 10. Tusaale ahaan, haddii dhererka weyn driveline waa 55, xagal shaqada si wadajir ah ugu badan yahay 55 qaybiyey 10 ama 5.5 degrees. (xadka Tani ma khusayso interaxle drivelines.)

hagaajinta dariiq dhexaad

xaglo dariiq dhexaad guud ahaan laga beddeli karaa iyadoo mid ka mid ah siyaabaha soo socda, ku xiran tahay nooca dariiq dhexaad.

  1. dhengedihii Xuddunta hagaaji, haddii nooca hagaajin karo.
  2. Add to or reduce length of non-adjustable torque rods.
  3. Add or reduce the number of shims behind torque rod brackets.
  4. Use correct amount of wedge shims under spring to axle pad.

Eryidda - Pinion usheeda dhexe xaglaha

Waxaa jiri doona in yar ama isbeddel lahayn dariiq dhexaad xagal pinion la nooc oo ganaax kaas oo ay leeyihiin dhaqdhaqaaqa baaralalogaraam a. Waxay u saamixi guryo kala duwan in ay u guuraan kor iyo hoos ku qotoma si toos ah inta lagu jiro hawlgalka.
Eryidda aan lahayn dhaqdhaqaaqa baaralalogaraam a ogolaan doonaa usheeda dhexe pinion dariiq dhexaad lagu baayici karo ee arc ah, oon joogto ah la beddelo xagal usheeda dhexe pinion intii hawlgalku. Xaddi kala duwan ee gariirka dhici keeni kara xaglo shaqo kala goysyada universal isagoo gaaban aan qummanaynu.
baabuurta dariiq dhexaad drive Single isbeddel ama wax yar oo ah xagal pinion dariiq dhexaad intii hawlgalku.

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Qof kasta oo gudbinta qayb aad u baahan tahay aynu u leeyihiin! maalin isku mid ah maraakiibta la heli karo, dunida oo dhan.


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