Eaton Fuller 13 Saamiga Gudbinta Speed

13 Speed ​​Eaton Fuller idaacadaha Waayo Sale Iyadoo Isla Maalinta Shipping Available Worldwide!

idaacadaha Eaton ayaa danbeeyay in lagugu siiyo warbixin ku laayeen tartan aad doonaysaan. Haddii aad searcing for gudbinta a for culus-waajib ama codsiyada dhexdhexaad waajib, Eaton has the transmission you need, leh in ka badan 100 sano oo guul la xaqiijiyay in jidadka iyo codsiyada off-jid, Eaton® waa hogaamiye caalami ah ee idaacadaha gaari. Hoos waxaa ku qoran waxaad ka heli kartaa saamiga marsho ku habboon tahay 13 speed transmission model along with transmission weights, dhererka iyo xawaaraha PTO.

Waxaan stock ma aha oo kaliya Eaton Fuller 13 Buugga xawaare dhexdhexaad waajib iyo idaacadaha si toos ah in doorasho oo cusub oo remanufactured, waxaan sidoo kale ka iibiso dhab ah qaybo gudbinta Eaton Fuller oo ay ku jiraan dib u dhiska xirmooyinka, geerka, xirmooyinka dhalista, synchronizers, xirmooyinka seal, saa'idka, countershafts, guryo dawan, fallaadhihii talooyin iyo ka badan. Haddii aad u baahan tahay in aad loo dhiso gudbinta, waxaan kaa caawin kara. Waxaan bixinnaa adeegyo dib u dhiska gudbinta tayada iyo kor u qaadan kartaa oo ka meel kasta oo aad samatabbixin gudbinta ee dunida. qabtid wax su'aalo ah? Ma u baahan tahay caawimo? wax naga siiya call a, our experts are ready to help.

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13 speed model Eaton Fuller Roadranger transmissions provide thirteen forward speeds and two reverse. The auxiliary section contains LO and HI range ratios, plus the L and H splitter gear ratios. The LO position in the front section is used only as a starting gear. The kale afar saamiga waxaa loo isticmaalaa mar kala duwan LO oo mar kale ku kala duwan HI. Each of the four ratios, marka loo isticmaalo kala duwan HI, can be split with the splitter control button. Ka dib markii wareegaayo baxay booska LO ah, use the Roadranger repeat “H” shift pattern. kala duwan LO oo kala duwan HI lagu doorto la lever kala duwan ee. It is used once during the upshift and once during the downshift sequence.

General Gudbinta Notes:

1. Length qoran dhererka waa cabbir loo xirxiro ka ee guryaha xajin in ay dusha bottoming hore ee flange saaxiibka ama harqood, marka laga reebo AT-1202 iyo 2-A-92, kuwaas oo ka bottoming dusha harqoodka aqbasho in ay dusha bottoming harqoodka saarka.
2. miisaanno Miisaanka ku taxan oo aan guryaha xajin, kontaroolada iyo labeen haddii aan si kale lagu qeexay. miisaanka oo dhammu waa qiyaas. Add 7 lbs. [3.15 kg] in lagu daydo la bamka saliid gudaha.

Eaton Fuller 13 Speed ​​Gudbinta Gear Saamiga

Lbs-Ft. Max TQ. In ka badan
LL L H LL % L % 1 % 2 % 3 % 4 % 5 % 6 % 7 % 8 % Injiyo Length lbs Weight. PTO
% of
cagsi ah
RT-613 600 NA 19.00 9.12 2.77 H


18.00 28 14.04 28 19.96 27 8.64 28 6.74 28 4.09 5.26 28 28 2.62 3.29 29 28 1.60 2.05 29 28 1.00 1.24 24 34.7 622 73
RT-6613 660 17.93 19.06 9.15 2.78 H


17.93 28 14.04 28 10.96 27 8.61 28 6.74 28 4.11 5.26 25 28 2.61 3.29 28 26 1.60 2.05 28 28 1.00 1.25 25 32.7 554 72
RT-9513 950 13.07 3.87 H


12.50 8.35 6.12 4.56 3.38 2.47 2.86 1.81 2.10 1.35 1.56 1.00 1.16 34.1 660 70
RT-11613 1150 12.56 13.13 3.89 H


Splitter 16% 12.56 51 8.32 35 6.18 36 4.54 34 3.38 18 2.46 2.86 16 16 1.83 2.12 17 16 1.35 1.56 16 16 1.00 1.16 16 32.1 652 70
RT-12513 1250 13.07 3.87 H


12.50 8.35 6.12 4.56 3.38 2.47 2.86 1.81 2.10 1.35 1.56 1.00 1.16 35.6 725 70
RT-14613 1450 12.56 13.13 3.89 H


Splitter 16% 12.56 51 8.32 35 6.18 36 4.54 34 3.38 18 2.46 2.86 16 16 1.83 2.12 17 16 1.35 1.56 16 16 1.00 1.16 16 32.4 659 70
RT-15613 1650 12.56 13.13 3.89 H


Splitter 16% 12.56 51 8.32 35 6.18 36 4.54 34 3.38 18 2.46 2.86 16 16 1.83 2.12 17 16 1.35 1.56 16 16 1.00 1.16 16 32.4 665 70
RTF-9513 950 13.07 3.87 H


12.50 8.35 6.12 4.56 3.38 2.47 2.86 1.81 2.10 1.35 1.56 1.00 1.16 34.1 660 70
RTF-11613 1150 12.56 13.13 3.89 H


Splitter 16% 12.56 51 8.32 35 6.18 36 4.54 34 3.38 18 2.46 2.86 16 16 1.83 2.12 17 16 1.35 1.56 16 16 1.00 1.16 16 32.1 652 70
RTF-12513 1250 13.07 3.87 H


12.50 8.35 6.12 4.56 3.38 2.47 2.86 1.81 2.10 1.35 1.56 1.00 1.16 35.6 725 70
RTF-14613 1450 12.56 13.13 3.89 H


Splitter 16% 12.56 51 8.32 35 6.18 36 4.54 34 3.38 18 2.46 2.86 16 16 1.83 2.12 17 16 1.35 1.56 16 16 1.00 1.16 16 32.4 659 70
RTF-15613 1650 12.56 13.13 3.89 H


Splitter 16% 12.56 51 8.32 35 6.18 36 4.54 34 3.38 18 2.46 2.86 16 16 1.83 2.12 17 16 1.35 1.56 16 16 1.00 1.16 16 32.4 665 70
Hrito-613 600 15.30 7.35 2.23 H


14.50 11.31 8.83 6.96 5.43 3.29 4.24 2.11 2.65 1.29 1.65 .80 1.00 34.7 622 90
Hrito-6613 650 17.93 15.28 7.34 2.23 H


14.38 28 11.26 28 8.79 27 6.91 28 5.41 28 3.29 4.22 25 28 2.10 2.64 28 26 1.28 1.64 28 26 0.80 1.00 26 32.7 554 90
Hrito-913 835 13.07 3.87 H


Splitter 15% 12.50 50 8.35 36 6.12 34 4.56 35 3.38 37 2.14 2.47 18 15 1.57 1.81 16 15 1.17 1.35 17 15 .87 1.00 15 3.21 710 70
Hrito-9513 950 13.07 3.87 H


12.50 8.35 6.12 4.56 3.38 2.14 2.47 1.57 1.81 1.17 1.35 0.87 1.00 34.1 660 70
Hrito-11613 1150 14.40 13.13 3.89 H


Splitter 15% 12.56 51 8.32 35 6.18 36 4.54 34 3.38 37 2.15 2.46 18 15 1.60 1.83 19 15 1.17 1.35 17 15 .87 1.00 15 32.1 652 70
Hrito-11813 1150 14.40 13.13 3.89 H


12.56 8.32 6.18 4.54 3.38 2.15 2.46 1.60 1.83 1.17 1.35 .87 1.00 32.1 652 70
Hrito-12513 1250 13.07 3.87 H


12.50 8.35 6.12 4.56 3.38 2.14 2.47 1.57 1.81 1.17 1.35 .87 1.00 35.6 725 70
Hrito-14613 1450 14.40 13.13 3.89 H


Splitter 15% 12.56 51 8.32 35 6.18 36 4.54 34 3.38 37 2.15 2.46 18 15 1.60 1.83 19 15 1.17 1.35 17 15 .87 1.00 15 32.4 659 70
Hrito-14813 1400 14.40 13.13 3.89 H


12.56 8.32 6.18 4.54 3.38 2.15 2.46 1.60 1.83 1.17 1.35 .87 1.00 32.4 659 70
Hrito-15613 1650 14.40 13.13 3.89 H


Splitter 15% 12.56 51 8.32 35 6.18 36 4.54 34 3.38 37 2.15 2.46 18 15 1.60 1.83 19 15 1.17 1.35 17 15 .87 1.00 15 32.4 665 70
Hrito-15813 1650 12.56 13.13 3.89 H


12.56 8.32 6.18 4.54 3.38 2.15 2.46 1.60 1.83 1.17 1.35 .87 1.00 32.4 665 70
RTOF-9513 950 13.07 3.87 H


12.50 8.35 6.12 4.56 3.38 2.14 2.47 1.57 1.81 1.17 1.35 0.87 1.00 34.1 660 70
RTOF-11613 1150 14.40 13.13 3.89 H


Splitter 15% 12.56 51 8.32 35 6.18 36 4.54 34 3.38 37 2.15 2.46 18 15 1.60 1.83 19 15 1.17 1.35 17 15 .87 1.00 15 32.1 652 70
RTOF-11813 1150 14.40 13.13 3.89 H


12.56 8.32 6.18 4.54 3.38 2.15 2.46 1.60 1.83 1.17 1.35 .87 1.00 32.1 652 70
RTOF-12513 1250 13.07 3.87 H


12.50 8.35 6.12 4.56 3.38 2.14 2.47 1.57 1.81 1.17 1.35 .87 1.00 35.6 725 70
RTOF-14613 1450 14.40 13.13 3.89 H


Splitter 15% 12.56 51 8.32 35 6.18 36 4.54 34 3.38 37 2.15 2.46 18 15 1.60 1.83 19 15 1.17 1.35 17 15 .87 1.00 15 32.4 659 70
RTOF-14813 1400 14.40 13.13 3.89 H


12.56 8.32 6.18 4.54 3.38 2.15 2.46 1.60 1.83 1.17 1.35 .87 1.00 32.4 659 70
RTOF-15613 1650 14.40 13.13 3.89 H


Splitter 15% 12.56 51 8.32 35 6.18 36 4.54 34 3.38 37 2.15 2.46 18 15 1.60 1.83 19 15 1.17 1.35 17 15 .87 1.00 15 32.4 665 70
RTOF-15813 1650 12.56 13.13 3.89 H


12.56 8.32 6.18 4.54 3.38 2.15 2.46 1.60 1.83 1.17 1.35 .87 1.00 32.4 665 70
RTLO-12713A 1250 16.90 13.22 3.50 H


Splitter 17% 12.31 42 8.64 42 6.11 38 4.43 37 3.23 41 1.95 2.29 21 21 1.38 1.62 18 18 1.00 1.17 17 17 .73 .86 32.1 714 79
RTLO-12913A 1250 16.86 13.22 3.50 H


Splitter 17% 12.31 42 8.64 42 6.11 38 4.43 37 3.23 41 1.95 2.29 21 21 1.38 1.62 18 18 1.00 1.17 17 .73 .86 33.1 714 79
RTLO-14613B 1400 17.40 14.71 3.89 H


Splitter 17% 14.71 44 10.20 39 7.34 40 5.26 39 3.78 4 2.28 2.70 18 18 1.64 1.94 18 18 1.18 1.39 18 18 .85 1.00 18 32.4 748 70
RTLO-14713A 1450 16.90 13.22 3.50 H


Splitter 17% 12.31 42 8.64 42 6.11 38 4.43 37 3.23 41 1.95 2.29 21 21 1.38 1.62 18 18 1.00 1.17 17 17 .73 .86 32.4 714 79
RTLO-14913A 1450 16.86 13.22 3.50 H


Splitter 17% 12.31 42 8.64 42 6.11 38 4.43 37 3.23 41 1.95 2.29 21 21 1.38 1.62 18 18 1.00 1.17 17 17 .73 .86 33.1 714 79
RTLO-16713A 1650 16.90 13.22 3.50 H


Splitter 17% 12.31 42 8.64 42 6.11 38 4.43 37 3.23 41 1.95 2.29 21 21 1.38 1.62 18 18 1.00 1.17 17 17 .73 .86 32.4 716 79
RTLO-16913A 1650 16.86 13.22 3.50 H


Splitter 17% 12.31 42 8.64 42 6.11 38 4.43 37 3.23 41 1.95 2.29 21 21 1.38 1.62 18 18 1.00 1.17 17 17 .73 .86 33.1 716 79
RTLO-18913A 1850 16.86 13.22 3.50 H


Splitter 17% 12.31 42 8.64 42 6.11 38 4.43 37 3.23 41 1.95 2.29 21 21 1.38 1.62 18 18 1.00 1.17 17 17 .73 .86 33.1 716 79
RTLO-20913A 2050 16.86 13.22 3.50 H


Splitter 17% 12.31 42 8.64 42 6.11 38 4.43 37 3.23 41 1.95 2.29 21 21 1.38 1.62 18 18 1.00 1.17 17 17 .73 .86 33.1 716 79
RTLO-14913A-T2 1450 16.90 13.22 3.50 H


Splitter 17% 12.31 42 8.64 42 6.11 38 4.43 37 3.23 41 1.95 2.29 21 21 1.38 1.62 18 18 1.00 1.17 17 17 .73 .86 33.1 714 79
RTLO-16913A-T2 1650 16.90 13.22 3.50 H


Splitter 17% 12.31 42 8.64 42 6.11 38 4.43 37 3.23 41 1.95 2.29 21 21 1.38 1.62 18 18 1.00 1.17 17 17 .73 .86 33.1 716 79
RTLO-18913A-T2 1850 16.90 13.22 3.50 H


Splitter 17% 12.31 42 8.64 42 6.11 38 4.43 37 3.23 41 1.95 2.29 21 21 1.38 1.62 18 18 1.00 1.17 17 17 .73 .86 33.1 716 79
RTLOF-12713A 1250 16.90 13.22 3.50 H


Splitter 17% 12.31 42 8.64 42 6.11 38 4.43 37 3.23 41 1.95 2.29 21 21 1.38 1.62 18 18 1.00 1.17 17 17 .73 .86 32.1 714 79
RTLOF-12913A 1250 16.86 13.22 3.50 H


Splitter 17% 12.31 42 8.64 42 6.11 38 4.43 37 3.23 41 1.95 2.29 21 21 1.38 1.62 18 18 1.00 1.17 17 .73 .86 33.1 714 79
RTLOF-14613B 1400 17.40 14.71 3.89 H


Splitter 17% 14.71 44 10.20 39 7.34 40 5.26 39 3.78 4 2.28 2.70 18 18 1.64 1.94 18 18 1.18 1.39 18 18 .85 1.00 18 32.4 748 70
RTLOF-14713A 1450 16.90 13.22 3.50 H


Splitter 17% 12.31 42 8.64 42 6.11 38 4.43 37 3.23 41 1.95 2.29 21 21 1.38 1.62 18 18 1.00 1.17 17 17 .73 .86 32.4 714 79
RTLOF-14913A 1450 16.86 13.22 3.50 H


Splitter 17% 12.31 42 8.64 42 6.11 38 4.43 37 3.23 41 1.95 2.29 21 21 1.38 1.62 18 18 1.00 1.17 17 17 .73 .86 33.1 714 79
RTLOF-16713A 1650 16.90 13.22 3.50 H


Splitter 17% 12.31 42 8.64 42 6.11 38 4.43 37 3.23 41 1.95 2.29 21 21 1.38 1.62 18 18 1.00 1.17 17 17 .73 .86 32.4 716 79
RTLOF-16913A 1650 16.86 13.22 3.50 H


Splitter 17% 12.31 42 8.64 42 6.11 38 4.43 37 3.23 41 1.95 2.29 21 21 1.38 1.62 18 18 1.00 1.17 17 17 .73 .86 33.1 716 79
RTLOF-18913A 1850 16.86 13.22 3.50 H


Splitter 17% 12.31 42 8.64 42 6.11 38 4.43 37 3.23 41 1.95 2.29 21 21 1.38 1.62 18 18 1.00 1.17 17 17 .73 .86 33.1 716 79
RTLOF-20913A 2050 16.86 13.22 3.50 H


Splitter 17% 12.31 42 8.64 42 6.11 38 4.43 37 3.23 41 1.95 2.29 21 21 1.38 1.62 18 18 1.00 1.17 17 17 .73 .86 33.1 716 79
RTLOF-16713A-T2 1650 16.90 13.22 3.50 H


Splitter 17% 12.31 42 8.64 42 6.11 38 4.43 37 3.23 41 1.95 2.29 21 21 1.38 1.62 18 18 1.00 1.17 17 17 .73 .86 32.4 716 79
RTLOF-16913A-T2 1650 16.90 13.22 3.50 H


Splitter 17% 12.31 42 8.64 42 6.11 38 4.43 37 3.23 41 1.95 2.29 21 21 1.38 1.62 18 18 1.00 1.17 17 17 .73 .86 33.1 716 79
RTLOF-18913A-T2 1850 16.90 13.22 3.50 H


Splitter 17% 12.31 42 8.64 42 6.11 38 4.43 37 3.23 41 1.95 2.29 21 21 1.38 1.62 18 18 1.00 1.17 17 17 .73 .86 33.1 716 79
RTOO-9513 950 13.07 3.87 H


12.10 7.28 5.10 3.69 2.70 1.66 1.97 1.16 1.38 1.84 1.00 .62 .73 34.1 660 79
RTOO-11613 1150 19.52 12.68 3.43 H


Splitter 18% 12.13 68 7.21 42 5.09 38 3.69 37 2.70 88 1.66 1.95 20 18 1.17 1.38 17 18 .85 1.00 17 18 .62 .73 18 32.1 652 79
RTOO-14613 1450 19.52 12.68 3.43 H


Splitter 18% 12.13 68 7.21 42 5.09 38 3.69 37 2.70 88 1.66 1.95 20 18 1.17 1.38 17 18 .85 1.00 17 18 .62 .73 18 32.4 659 79
RTOOF-9513 728 12.66 3.43 H


Splitter 19% 12.10 66 7.28 43 5.10 38 3.69 37 2.70 37 1.66 1.97 19 19 1.16 1.38 16 19 .84 1.00 15 19 .62 .73 19 32.1 660 70
RTOOF-11613 1150 19.52 12.68 3.43 H


Splitter 18% 12.13 68 7.21 42 5.09 38 3.69 37 2.70 88 1.66 1.95 20 18 1.17 1.38 17 18 .85 1.00 17 18 .62 .73 18 32.1 652 79
RTOOF-14613 1450 19.52 12.68 3.43 H


Splitter 18% 12.13 68 7.21 42 5.09 38 3.69 37 2.70 88 1.66 1.95 21 18 1.17 1.38 17 18 .85 1.00 17 18 .62 .73 18 32.4 659 79
one year warranty

Idaacadaha cusub ama dhisay by Gear Pro iyo daboolay hal sano ah, warranty masaafada aan xad lahayn. *Eeg warranty. Dhamaan fasaxyada kale waa in of saaraha.