Eaton Fuller Hybrid bilanakóða 1 Motor Generator Núverandi Sensor

Kenna kóða fyrir Eaton Hybrid Drive Systems módel (MY08) EH-8E306A-U, EH-8E306A-UPG, EH-8E306A-UP, EH-8E306A-CD, EH-8E306A-T, EH-6E606B-CD, (MY09) EH-8E406A-U / P, EH-8E406A-UP, EH-8E406A-UPG, EH-8E406A-CD, EH-8E406A-CDG, EH-8E406A-CDR, EH-8E406A-T, EH-6E706B-CD, EH-6E706B-P og EH-6E706B-UPG. The High-Voltage Motor/Generator Assembly is connected to the Inverter Assembly through an AC High-Voltage Cable that contains 3 aðskilin snúrur. á rekstri, the Inverter monitors the amperage in the AC cables through a current sensor, sem er fest inni í Inverter. The inductive sensor produces an output based on amperage present in the cables.

villukóðanum 1 Motor / Generator Núverandi Sensor Detection

The Inverter íkveikju spenna er hærri en 7 volt og minna en 16 volt.

Skilyrði til Setja bilanakóða Active

Skilyrði til Setja Fault:

  • IMF 6 is set when Inverter detects current input from the Motor/Generator greater than 100 Amper fyrir 150 FRÖKEN.
  • IMF 0 is set when the Inverter detects current input from the Motor/Generator greater than 200 Amper fyrir 0.3 FRÖKEN.
  • IMF 15 is set when the sensor offset is out of range at initial check.

Varaleið Þegar Fault Code 1 er sett eftirfarandi skilyrði eiga sér stað:
• Amber "Athuga Hybrid" ljós lýsir.
• Kenna er geymt í Hybrid stjórneinigu (HCM) minni.
• Electric Motor/Generator Assist and Regeneration are disabled; þó, hár-spenna liða áfram máttur.
• HCM continues to control the hybrid vehicle in a diesel-only mode.
• Sending vanskil byrja gír til 1..

Skilyrði til Setja bilanakóða óvirkur

Aðeins Óvirk galli er hægt að hreinsast úr Transmission Electronic Control Unit (TECU) eða HCM saga með ServiceRanger. The TECU hreinsar sjálfkrafa galla frá sögunni eftir 200 hours and the HCM automatically clears the faults from history after the fault has stayed Inactive for 200 klukkustundir.

Þessi galli kóða getur stafað af einhverju af eftirfarandi:

  • IMF 0, 6
    • Inverter
    • Motor / Generator
    • AC snúra
  • IMF 15
    • Inverter

villukóðanum 1 – Motor / Generator Núverandi Sensor Test

Component Identification MY08 System:

High-Voltage AC Harness Connector View

High-Voltage AC Harness Connector View
(Amphenol Tengi)

High-Voltage AC Motor/Gen Connector View

High-Voltage AC Motor / Gen Tengja Útsýni
(Amphenol Tengi)

ATHUGIÐ: Vísa til Eaton Hybrid Component og tengi Location fyrir Tengja stöðum í MY08 Systems

component connector

Component Identification MY09 System:

High-Voltage AC Harness Connector View

High-Voltage AC Harness Connector View
(Amphenol Tengi)

High-Voltage AC Motor/Gen Connector View

High-Voltage AC Motor / Gen Tengja Útsýni
(Amphenol Tengi)

ATHUGIÐ: Vísa til Eaton Hybrid Component og tengi Location fyrir Tengja stöðum í MY09 Systems.

component connector

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